4 September 2024
Five Years of COSH: A Journey of Transparency, Tenacity, and Transformation
- Press
The Circular Sustainable Fashion Week Madrid (CSFW) 2023, under the theme “Stop Fast Fashion,” took place from April 18 to 30 with the aim of driving a change in the way clothing is manufactured, marketed, and consumed.
During CSFW Madrid 2023, the platforms COSH! and The Circular Project collaborated to promote an alliance that would give visibility to their designers. In this regard, five brands from the COSH! Community; Ridges & Steam, De IONESCU, Infinit Denim, IAH Brand and Lamu, had the opportunity to showcase their collections during the Circular Sustainable Fashion Week Madrid. In addition, five brands belonging to The Circular Project; Sylvia Calvo, Seron, Vaicana, Elena de Frutos, and Westsouls, had the chance to promote themselves on the COSH! website platform.
These brands and designers participated in the three catwalks of CSFW Madrid: Ecodesign, Upcycling, and Catwalk 17, focused on the Sustainable Development Goals.
The first catwalk, Ecodesign, took place on April 25 in the gardens of the EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial). The brands Ridges & Steam, De IONESCU, IAH Brand and Lamu presented their ecodesign proposals as a definitive tool towards a circular , emphasizing their focus on sustainability and low environmental impact.
The second catwalk, Queen Upcycling, was held on April 27 at the CIEC (Centro de Innovación de Economía Circular). The brand Infinit Denim demonstrated that it is possible to create surprising collections and garments using post-consumer fabrics and textile waste.
The final catwalk, Pasarela 17, centered on the Sustainable Development Goals, took place on April 29 in Pinto. In this catwalk, all the participating brands in CSFW Madrid, along with other collaborating brands, joined forces to create a truly special runway where unity and collective work prevailed.
In addition, during the CSFW Madrid event, COSH! was present and participated in various events focused on Circular Economy and Sustainable Fashion. Furthermore, they presented the first printed guide to conscious shopping in Spain, which shows how to make a conscious shopping essay and highlights some sustainable local stores in Madrid and other cities in Spain.
This collaboration between The Circular Project’s fashion week and COSH! has been made possible thanks to the support of the sustainable fashion accelerator Fashion For Change, whose goal is to achieve social and political recognition for making the fashion industry more sustainable and planet-friendly. Secondly the attendance to the fair was made possible thanks to financial support of Flanders State of the Art for our participation in the fair.
For more information about Circular Sustainable Fashion Week Madrid and future initiatives by COSH!, please visit the following links:
4 September 2024
3 September 2024
1 July 2024