The production of Sonett products takes place in southern Germany. The working conditions in which the ingredients are obtained are unclear.
The labeling of many of the products is done by disabled people at the nearby Camphill Workshops Lenenhof. In addition, Sonett has collaborations with other care facilities and the Rehab Clinic for Drug Addicts “Seven Dwarfs.” In addition, the company supports social and community integration and support for people who have difficulty finding jobs in the regular labor market, offering them a new perspective.
Sonett considers itself a pioneer not only in terms of the efficiency and economic use of its products, but also in terms of the social structure of the company. Therefore, one of the company’s main concerns is social orientation at all levels: towards employees, customers and suppliers. They believe that not competition and self-interest, but cooperation and mutual support count in business. Profits remain within the company or are transferred to the Non-Profit Foundation Sonett. Profits are also used for donations to research and welfare purposes; think water research initiatives and artistic culture projects.
As for suppliers, it is Sonett’s principle to strive for long-term cooperation based on trust, transparency and personal respect. As for customers, the company considers itself their service provider with the goal of not only meeting their needs and demands, but ennobling them.
Furthermore, the company states that it offers equal opportunities, without discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion or belief. Of the 110 jobs, 56 are held by women. They employ people of diverse nationalities and ages. Moreover, Sonett strives to facilitate the reconciliation of family and profession by offering flexible working hours and parental leave periods.
The importance Sonett places on the people it works with is also evidenced by the fact that the company holds a CSE (Certified Sustainable Economics) label. Unlike product certifications, this label covers the entire company. In addition to ecological product requirements, the company’s social and ethical orientations are also certified.