Discover the future of sustainable textile production! Join the third online community-building event organized by the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Size Industries (ASCI- Greece). This unique networking event brings together members of Ecofashion EU, Worth Partnership Projects and other Greek sustainable brands. Explore joint efforts for more sustainable textile, garment and fashion production, discuss challenges and share solutions. Your involvement contributes to the creation of markets for sustainable and circular textile products, services and business models, as envisioned in the 2020 European Action Plan for a Circular Economy. Join this inspiring community that shares vision and values around design, sustainability and innovation!
Program agenda and participants:
- 13.00- 13.15pm: Introductions, Welcoming and Short presentation of Ecofashion EU-Promoting the sustainability of small and medium textile and fashion manufacturers, funded by SMP COSME
- 13.15- 13.25pm: Biowoolness, Worth Partnership Project by Pinkpolino (Hungary) and Vienna (Textile Lab Austria)
- 13.25- 13.35pm: Pepper Valley, Greek-based sustainable brand, Ecofashion EU team member
- 13.35- 13.45pm: Yarn 2 Yarn: We rewind knitwear! A Worth partnership project by Italy and Germany
- 13.45- 13.55pm: Nafpaktos Textile Industry, Regenerative Agriculture & Cotton Cultivation, Greece
- 13.55- 14.05pm: Christina Vardakou, Greek-based brand of handcrafted textiles, Ecofashion team member
- 14.05- 14.15pm: C/OVER the Heritage Project, Worth Partnership Project by C/OVER (Germany) and Ma Tex (Czechia)
- 14.15- 14.25pm: Musa Collection, Greek-based sustainable brand
- 14.25- 14.35pm: Cosh! Conscious Shopping Made Easy (Germany)
- 14.35- 14.45pm: Convert Art, Greek-based sustainable brand
- 14.45- 14.55pm: Fitting4All, Worth Partnership Project by Spain and Italy
- 14.55- 15.15pm: Group discussion, Wrap-up and Closing remarks