In the short documentary, we follow the founders of The Swapshop, Monique and Laura. When these two enthusiastic born optimists are confronted with the incredibly high mountains of textile waste, they are determined to do something about it and, with great enthusiasm, establish The Swapshop. What initially seemed like a great idea and a simple solution turned out to be a challenging journey in which they constantly discovered new problems, but also new solutions and, above all, partners and experts with whom they tirelessly continue on this collective mission to eliminate the textile industry.
13.30−14.00 Registration and drinks (available for purchase)
14.00−14.15 High Hopes: A documentary and panel discussion
14.15−15.00 Panel talk + audience questions The documentary is followed by a panel talk, hosted and organized by the production agency Mumster, featuring guests Monique Drent (The Swapshop), Britt van Zandbergen (Rebel), and Ola Bąkowska (Circle Economy).
15.00−17.00 DJ