During this small-group information session (5 pregnant women + partner), a White Yellow Cross midwife will tell you everything you need to know about looking after mum and baby after giving birth.
What will be covered?
Mum’s health
- Afterbirth
- Contraception
- Womb recovery
- Maternity dressing / blood loss
- Pelvic floor exercise
- Blood pressure
- Baby blues / the mental aspect
- Medication
- Breastfeeding or artificial feeding?
- Smoking or alcohol
Baby care
Standard care
- Bathing baby
- Hair / nose / ears / mouth care
- Navel care
- Diapers (what types of nappies are there, advantages and disadvantages of wet wipes)
- Transporting your baby (car seats / prams / baby carriers or slings)
- Baby massage
- Medication, vitamins D & K…
- Sleeping safely
- Constipation
Occasional care
- Baby sick? Fever, cramps, yellow colour
- Heel prick
- Weight monitoring
- Checking heart when discharged from maternity ward for 72h
- Baby in the sun
- Vaccinations
- Shaking the baby
- Baby swimming