Would you like to learn to repair your own clothes? Would you like to be able to carry out at least the most important repairs from home? De Steek has now developed this course so that you can learn this even if you have never touched a sewing machine or needle before. This is a two-day course of 2 x 3 hours in which you will learn the basics of repairing. You will also receive an E‑book with a description of the techniques, so that you will remember it later when you start working at home.
What will you learn in this course?
- Repairing a (blind) seam
- Repairing a hole (both in the middle of your garment and in the seam, such as a hole in your pocket)
- Shortening pants or skirt (jeans and normal)
- Sewing a button
BONUS: if there is time left or if you prefer, you can also learn these 3 bonuses (also found in the E‑book):
- Replace zipper
- Taking in the waistband of trousers (not jeans)
- Taking in the trouser leg or sides
If you have items of clothing that you can apply one of these techniques to, please bring them with you. But De Steek also provides materials and clothing to practice on during the lesson, so in principle all materials are included in this course.