Production locations
- Zwolle, The Netherlands
Working Conditions & living wages
Zagros Brim completes the entire production of the T‑shirt within his studio in Zwolle, The Netherlands. Zagros, originally from Syria, brings diverse skills and experience whilst also having worked in Turkey. Due to the strict European labour regulations, we can be sure that ethical working conditions are guaranteed.
Ragnarøk works closely with TIEM Zwolle to provide opportunities for people distant from the labour market to develop their skills. Within this supportive and stimulating environment they are given the opportunity to gain work experience, strengthen skills and fully participate in the labour market. This collaboration is essential to the brand as part of their commitment to social inclusion.
The brand also has an educational collaboration with Windesheim and Cibap. Students are offered the chance to gain practical experience in the fashion industry. With this collaboration Ragnarøk hopes to contribute to the growth of future talents and help students understand the importance of sustainability and social responsibility.
These collaborations foster opportunities to strengthen the local community and economy.