Little Green Radicals says it was one of the first companies to use certified Fairtrade cotton. This ensures cotton farmers are paid fair wages, which also benefits their families and communities. The Fairtrade certificate also sets requirements around child labour, the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, and supports social and environmental sustainability. Among others, the brand works with Chetna Organics from Yavatmal in India, who have a network of cotton farmers working together.
They ensure good working conditions throughout the chain, including the places where the cotton is spun into yarn, the fabric is made and the clothes are assembled. All the cotton is also (GOTS-certified) organic, which proves that no harmful pesticides have been used to grow the cotton, and offers further reassurance of the working conditions throughout the supply chain.
Little Green Radicals has been working with a family-owned factory called ‘Deeps Textiles’, near Kolkata in India, for over eight years. This factory has 30 years of experience and 102 employees. Little Green Radicals has visited it factory several times.
The brand also works with Sedex and SA8000 to improve working conditions. By working with the organisation Swadhina, they aim to improve the lives of women in remote parts of India by helping them become independent, offer them training and give them access to healthcare.