In the centre of Antwerp, you will find one of Koen’s (‘Den Brillenman’) ateliers, where he gives donated and collected spectacle frames new life by creating prescription (or other) glasses out of them. His goal? To provide everyone with affordable glasses, no matter your age or background.
Koen’s mission started with his project ‘Eyes for the World’, with its first practice example in Myanmar, through which he and some of his friends helped people worldwide to see more clearly. Because, he says, everyone has the right to do so.
All glasses are made by Koen according to the need of the client, and consist of donated frames, the parts of which are either recuperated and sorted or reused. The glasses themselves are shaped in Koen’s atelier in Mechelen. From start to finish, everything is created by people with a distance to the regular labour market. In other words, for each old frame you donate, you create new work and learning opportunities for Den Brillenman’s employees.
Do you have an old pair of glasses that deserves a new life? You can donate them at different Kringwinkel shops, at Cirkels or in the Refaced shops. Check the website for a full overview of the donation points.