The Good Roll is a Dutch company. Besides selling a truly sustainable product, the brand wants to make a direct social contribution. Preferably as locally as possible. Therefore, they work with two social workshops for wrapping and packaging the products. In this way they offer work and guidance to more than 75 people! People who work at a social enterprise have a distance to the labour market. This can have various causes, such as physical complaints or just bad luck or problems along the way. These people are offered guidance or workplace adjustments. Whatever the reason, The Good Roll believes that everyone can add value to the company if they are willing and able to work.
The team consists of ‘regular’ employees in addition to people with a distance to the labour market. For the employees with a distance to the labour market, it is nice to work in as ‘normal’ a workplace as possible, so that the work goes well and smoothly and they get into a normal daily rhythm. On the other hand, as a commercial company, The Good Roll naturally has to ensure that they deliver a certain quality. By having a mix of employees, they ensure that the goals are achieved as well as that everyone has a good time.
The Good Roll has built a factory in Ghana, and here they have been manufacturing toilet paper from bamboo together with the local population since 2023. In this way they are making an enormous impact on employment and prosperity in Ghana.
When you buy toilet paper from The Good Roll, you support the brand’s mission: safe and clean toilets for all. They invest 50% of The Good Roll’s net profits in building safe toilets in Ghana. By building these toilets and spreading knowledge about hygiene, life-threatening diseases are prevented and children can go to school safely. This allows children to develop and break the vicious cycle of poverty.
In 2018, the company established Foundation The Good Roll. This foundation is there to use the money they raise from the sale of the toilet rolls as best they can to build sanitary facilities, without making a profit. Together with its partners, the foundation has now built several hundred toilets.
In addition to toilet construction through The Good Roll’s own foundation, the brand supports the Simavi Foundation’s “WASH and Learn” projects in Africa. From the moment they sold their first toilet paper, they started working with them and a local partner (HEWASA) in the Kabarole district in Uganda. Here they built safe toilets at St John’s Nsongya Primary School.
Because of this positive impact on people and the planet, The Good Roll Foundation recently received ANBI status 8588 94 178. This certificate is awarded to non-profit corporations that focus at least 90% of their efforts on the common good.
Finally, The Good Roll is proud to be officially certified as a B corporation, with a relatively high score of 111! The B Corp certification signifies a company’s commitment to making a positive social and environmental impact. It means that decisions are made with the best intentions at the level of employees, customers, suppliers, production, the community and the environment.