The Bidules team loves hunting for old stock in attics or cellars to find vintage frames. They also ask retired opticians and search for closed-down factories to find unique and remarkable deadstock frames.
Once they find suitable frames, the Bidules team restores and repairs these glasses in-house to give them a second life. This concept fits perfectly in the circular mindset and prevents these glasses from going to waste!
Since the beginning of 2019, 1% of Bidules’ turnover has been used to support La Plateforme Citoyenne de Support aux Réfugiés. This Belgian platform aims to build concrete solidarity for all refugees. Instead of offering end-of-year sales, Bidules provides a direct reduction of 15% or a 25€ gift card to anyone who brings warm clothes and winter accessories to the store (sleeping bags, sports clothes, pants, sweaters, jackets, sneakers, hats etc.)