Huis Pauwels Spaenjers is a gold smithy where old gold is given a new life. The designer duo Audi Pauwels and Kitty Spaenjers have been putting down true craftsmanship combined with perfect engineering for many years. Do you like sleek, minimalist and uniqueness? Then you’ve come to the right place at Huis Pauwels Spaenjers. On top of that, Audi and Kitty also work with sustainable materials including recycled gold. When they receive gold that is less than 24K, it is purified at a nearby gold refinery so that Huis Pauwels Spaenjers can start working with pure gold again to design new jewellery. The collection grows organically, throughout the year they design new jewellery, so you are bound to find one that suits you. The diamonds used in the jewellery are labgrown diamonds and preloved diamonds, for other jewellery they work with minerals and colour stones. Are you also curious about their collections? Take a look at the website!