WHAT about those pieces in your wardrobe that you haven´t worn all summer? Swap them in Stuttgart so they find a new wearer. You might end up with a new look as well.
Bring 5 – 10 nice pieces (washed and in good condition) of clothing, shoes, accessories or jewellery, hand them in at the check-in and start your stroll through the swap.
There will be information stands by Future Fashion and Kleiderei Stuttgart, and a workshop from 12 – 3 pm where you can upcycle clothes with Sabrina at the screen printing workshop.
The location is Raupe Immersatt, a food-sharing café in the west of Stuttgart. There will be free rescued food from the Fairteiler, as well as yummy drinks.
The longer an item of clothing is worn, the less impact it has on the environment. Give discarded items of clothing a new lease of life and swap them for other favourite items – without wasting resources! #TauschDichGlücklich
Photo: Nadine Kamp