A platform that makes sustainable fashion visible and above all accessible, YES PLEASE!
As a sustainable blogger of Op Groen Geluk I share my tips and inspiration to go through life more consciously and sustainably via my Instagram and blog site. Respect for people, animals and nature are my starting points. I am convinced that we have to change our current way of living. Other ways of producing and consuming are needed if we want to walk around this planet happily for a long time to come.
For me, sustainable living also means healthy living. As a dietician with a focus on vegetable nutrition, I help people to find healthy eating habits.
The clothing industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, causing a huge impact on the environment. This is often accompanied by inhumane conditions. The fast fashion industry that makes us believe that we need something new every week and this at bargain prices, is the big villain. I prefer not to contribute to this disposable culture. Opting for sustainable fashion means opting for quality, a fair price, good production and working conditions. Transparency is extremely important here. Knowing what you’re buying, where it’s made and under what conditions.
Also in my environment I notice that the road to sustainable fashion is often still unknown territory. COSH! is the ideal lifesaver!
I’ve never been a fashionista and I guess I never will be, but I do like to look good. When it comes to clothing, I prefer second-hand clothing. I also always ask myself if I really need something new before I make a purchase. Some things like underwear and socks I logically prefer to buy new. Sometimes I don’t find what I’m looking for second hand, so I start looking for alternatives.
Although more and more sustainable stores and brands are born, sometimes it remains a search for where to find these stores. Also in my environment I notice that the road to sustainable fashion is often still unknown territory. COSH! is the ideal lifesaver! Register online and discover all the sustainable addresses in your area. Specifically looking for a particular item of clothing within a certain budget? No problem, with COSH! it’s all possible.