04 oktober 2023

Ontdek de leukste bewuste en duurzame winkels in Arnhem

Begane Grond duurzaam warenhuis Arnhem OSH
Begane Grond duurzaam warenhuis Arnhem winkel sustainable store COSH
FRAENCK Arnhem sustainable and socially made bags store window COSH
LIJOU vintage Arnhem vintage lingerie vintage corset collection COSH
Outfit Library LESS Arnhem clothing library kledingbibliotheek kleding huren COSH
Aarden Arnhem maatpakken suit men modekwartier COSH
Jofel Vintage Arnhem vintage store front vintage clothing COSH
Okimono men ruler shirt brand COSH

Verena Asser

202030 Summit Key Visual 07 2024

The Berlin Fashion Summit 202030 Editie #8: RE/GENERATE IMPACT