Humdakin has its products made in factories across Europe and Asia; exact names of countries or factories are not known. However, Humdakin does say that they have good and long-term relationships with the producers. They also say they have insight into the working conditions of the factories. When selecting partners, Humdakin looks to see if they are actively working toward the UN SDGs or have a strategy to improve their factory both environmentally and labor-wise over the years.
Humdakin also works a lot with GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified suppliers for their cotton products. This certificate verifies not only the organic origin of the material but also the working conditions throughout the production chain. So for the cotton products that come from GOTS-certified suppliers, we are more certain that they are made in fair working conditions than other products. This is because the other suppliers are not audited for this by a third party.
To do its part, Humdakin donates DKK 5 to the Danish charity “Børns Vilkår” or “BørneTelefonen” with every sale of children’s products. In this way they want to give children in Denmark better chances for a good life.