Each handbag, travel bag, shoulder bag and clutch is handmade in Détail Handbag’s own Indian ateliers. The atelier is located in Kolkata, the mecca of leather in India. The couple is extremely proud of their products and the fair employment they provide as a result. Over the years they have become one big family, respecting cultural differences.
Thanks to the collaboration, Détail also strengthens the knowledge and experience among the local population. In this way, the local artisans automatically learn a word of English, a quality that they can use in their further careers. The couple has maintained good relations with the local artisans for years, visiting them every year as well.
With their handbags, Détail always shows the power of nature. The Détail handbags are made of quality leather, a natural material that only becomes more beautiful with age.
Where exactly does the leather come from? At Détail, the leather comes from the livestock industry as a secondary product. Thus, no additional animals have to be killed to make the handbags. A large part of the total leather waste from the livestock industry ends up in landfills without recycling. We therefore think it is great that Détail uses this leather in their beautiful handbags!
For the treatment of the leather, the Belgian brand uses a minimum of chromium. Chrome is an artificial chemical, and is widely used in the leather industry. Tanning without chromium is better for the environment, but unfortunately also a little more expensive. Détail is trying to encourage local leather dealers in India to switch to
chrome-free tanned hides. Bob and Celine dream of having completely chrome-free production in the future. They are well on their way!
Circular Economy
The Belgian brand has a wonderful mission to make their entire production as environmentally friendly as possible. The handbags come in cotton bags, and possibly-who knows-after our earlier conversation soon themselves from upcycled organic cotton storage bags. Furthermore, production in India is done as locally as possible, saving unnecessary transportation.
Slow Fashion
All handbags at Détail can be worn throughout the different seasons. It is better to have one bag that you can wear for life than to have a different bag each season,” says the brand.